
  • The tracert command sends Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo request message to a specified remote computer with increasing Time to live (TTL) fields values and display the IP address and hostname.
  • If available of the router interfaces between source and destination.

Tracert Command Syntax:

  • tracert [-d] [-h MaxHops] [-w TimeOut] [-4] [-6target [/?]
  • -d = This option prevents tracert from resolving IP addresses to host names, often resulting in much faster results.
  • -h MaxHops = This tracert option specifies the maximum number of hops in the search for the target. If you do not specify MaxHops, and target has not been found by 30 hops, tracert will stop looking.
  • -w TimeOut = You can specify the time, in milliseconds, to allow each reply before timeout using this tracert option.
  • -4 = This option forces tracert to use IPv4 only.
  • -6 = This option forces tracert to use IPv6 only.
  • target = This is the destination, either an IP address or hostname.
  • /? = Use the help switch with the tracert command to show detailed help about the command's several options.
  • Other less commonly used options for the tracert command also exist including [-jHostList], [-R], and [-S SourceAddress].

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