- AM stands for amplitude modulation in which a carrier wave is modulated by the signal that is to be transmitted.
- Frequency and phase remain same.
- AM has poor sound quality compared with FM but is cheaper and can be transmitted over long distance.
- It has lower bandwidth so it can have more stations at any frequency range.
- AM ranges from 535 too 1705 kHz or 1200 bits per second.
- Transmitter and receiver are simple.
- AM is more susceptible to noise because noise affects amplitude.
- FM stands for frequency modulation in which a carrier wave is modulated in frequency by the signal that is used to transmitted.
- The amplitude and phase remain same.
- FM is less prone to interference than AM. FM signal are impacted by physical barriers.
- FM has higher sound quality due to high bandwidth.
- FM radio ranges in a higher spectrum 88 to 108 MHz or 1200 to 2400 bits per second.
- Zero crossing in modulated signal is not equidistant.
- Transmitter and receiver are more complex as variation of modulating signal has to be converted and detected from corresponding variation in frequencies.\
- FM is less susceptible to noise because information in an FM signal is transmitted through varying frequency not amplitude.