- External IP and Internal IP serve same purpose but the difference is scope.
Internal IP:
- Internal IP address is used to locate the local devices connected to the network.
- Internal IP address is also called as Local IP address.
- Internal IP address is provided by the router to every devices connected to it.
- It is the private IP address because others does not know the internal IP address of the devices provided by router.
- Actually it starts with and increases the last number with each new device that connects.
- Internal IP address may change by connecting new device.
- The change is based on the type of device connected and order of connection.
External IP Address:
- External IP address is also called as public IP address.
- It is provided by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) to the computer.
- It is used across entire Internet to locate the systems and devices connected to it.
- It is a public IP address because any one can know who are on the same network.
- External IP address does not change by connection any number of devices because it is provide by ISP.
- External IP address is used by ISP to check the sites opened by the user.
- Every web site has its own IP address which we no need to know them. We just search them by name.