- Team Viewer is a proprietary computer software package for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferences and file transfer between computers.
- Team Viewer is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Chrome OS, Android, Windows Phone, etc.,
- It is also possible to access a machine running Team Viewer with a web browser.
- The main focus of the application is remote control of computers, collaboration and presentation features are included.
- Team Viewer can be used without charge by non-commercial users, Business, Premium and Corporate versions are available.

- Team Viewer may be installed with an installation procedure, although the 'Quick Support' versions will run without installation.
- To connect other computer, Team Viewer has to be running on both machines. To install it administrator access is required, but once installed it can be run by any user.
- When the Team Viewer is started on a computer, it generates a partner ID and password.
- To establish a connection between a local client and a remote client, Team Viewer generated ID and password of either client are required.
- Team Viewer uses RSA private/public key exchange (2048-bit) and AES (256-bit) session encryption.
- RSA is one of the first practical public-key Cryptosystems and is widely used for secure data transmission.
- To connect and File Transfer through team viewer.
- Remote Desktop using team viewer.